For years, missionaries and ministry trainers have pleaded for teaching resources that have been biblically and accurately translated which they can share with local Christians. It is estimated that the number of languages spoken around the world exceeds 6,500. The Translation Center focuses on the languages of the areas where Sunset has ministry training partners. The goal of the Translation Center is to provide missionaries and students with a basic library that will enhance further studies. The translated manuscripts are also converted to audio format, and these recordings are a key resource for the Solar Mission.

The Translation Center partners with the Eastern European Mission to print books for that area of the world. We also have partnerships with the EBNESR Bible school in Recife, Brazil, and the Cambodia Bible Institute in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to translate and print materials for people in those regions. 

Because of the tireless efforts of a global team, many Sunset courses are available in Arabic, Chinese, Creole, French, Khmer, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Telugu, and Urdu.